See why thousands of developers choose Encore Cloud's developer-first cloud platform over other solutions
"We've run Encore in production for over 2 years and it's hard to overstate just how much it's taken off our plates when it comes to provisioning and deploying services and maintaining extremely high uptime. We've reduced time spent on DevOps by 95% — seriously the amount of time we used to spend on Terraform and k8s was stupid."
— Mason Stewart, CTO of
Full backend development platform vs Platform-as-a-Service
Encore Cloud gives you complete control over your backend architecture while maintaining the simplicity of a managed platform. Unlike traditional PaaS solutions, you're never limited by the platform's capabilities.
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Modern Development Experience vs Traditional PaaS
Encore provides a modern, integrated development experience with built-in best practices, while Heroku offers a more traditional PaaS approach.
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Cloud-Native Infrastructure vs Traditional PaaS
Deploy to your own cloud with zero configuration while maintaining complete control over your infrastructure and costs.
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Enterprise-Ready Scale from Day One
Build with confidence knowing your application can scale from prototype to enterprise without architecture changes.
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