Encore Cloud vs Terraform

See why thousands of developers choose Encore Cloud's developer-first cloud platform over other solutions

"We've run Encore in production for over 2 years and it's hard to overstate just how much it's taken off our plates when it comes to provisioning and deploying services and maintaining extremely high uptime. We've reduced time spent on DevOps by 95% — seriously the amount of time we used to spend on Terraform and k8s was stupid."

Mason Stewart, CTO of Bookshop.org

Bookshop Logo

Time to Market

Encore Cloud

  • checkmarkZero-config setup
  • checkmarkFocus on business logic from day one
  • checkmarkBuilt-in CI/CD pipeline
  • checkmarkAutomated infrastructure provisioning in local development and AWS/GCP
  • checkmarkNo DevOps expertise required


  • x markExtended setup time
  • x markInfrastructure configuration for each environment
  • x markInfrastructure setup required for each new feature
  • x markNo solution for local development
  • x markManual CI/CD setup
  • x markRequires extensiveDevOps knowledge

Faster iterations

Ship faster with confidence using Encore Cloud

Accelerate your development cycle without compromising on quality. Encore Cloud's integrated workflow helps you move from idea to production rapidly and safely.
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Developer Experience

Encore Cloud

  • checkmarkFramework enforced standardization and security
  • checkmarkOptimized for code generation using Copilot / Cursor
  • checkmarkAutomatic service discovery and type-safe APIs
  • checkmarkProduction-like local development environment with automatic infrastructure setup
  • checkmarkAutomatic API documentation & Service Catalog
  • checkmarkBuilt-in observability and tracing
  • checkmarkLocal environment setup takes 1 command


  • x markComplex infrastructure configuration required
  • x markConstant alignment required between developers and DevOps teams
  • x markManual service discovery and API integration
  • x markLocal environment complex to setup and differs from production
  • x markManual API documentation maintenance

Faster onboarding

Encore Cloud lets you focus on your product, not complexity

Focus on building features instead of wrestling with infrastructure. Encore's developer experience is designed to maximize productivity and quality, while minimizing cognitive overhead and distractions.
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Infrastructure Management

Encore Cloud

  • checkmarkZero infrastructure configuration required
  • checkmarkAutomatic scaling and deployment
  • checkmarkBuilt-in Preview Environments for every Pull Request
  • checkmarkAutomatic least privilege IAM management
  • checkmarkAll infra in your own cloud on AWS/GCP
  • checkmarkFull access to config options in AWS/GCP, automatically synced with Encore Cloud


  • x markManual infrastructure setup required for each environment
  • x markManual IAM and config required for each new resource
  • x markNo Preview Environments causes bugs/congestion in staging
  • x markDevOps expertise required to manage infrastructure

Less time on DevOps

No infrastructure management required with Encore Cloud

Dramatically reduce your team's time spent on DevOps. Encore Cloud automatically provisions all infrastructure from local to your cloud on AWS/GCP, including best-practice security and IAM management.
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Cloud DevOps,

Take DevOps off your plate and unlock safe AI-assisted development without any additional hiring.